
363 lines
16 KiB

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
import requests
import urllib.parse
import json
import collections
import datetime
def quote_named_param(p):
return urllib.parse.quote(str(p)).replace('/', '%2f')
def json_decode_ordered(txt):
return json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict).decode(txt)
class CakeCMS:
def __init__(self, url, token=None, course='system'):
self.url = url.rstrip('/')
self.course = course
self.session = requests.Session()
self.debug = False
self.token = token
def get(self, uri, course=None, named_params={}, **kwargs):
if self.token:
self.session.headers['X-CMS-API-TOKEN'] = self.token
url = self.url + '/' + (self.course if course is None else course) + '/api/' + uri
for k, v in named_params.items():
url += '/{}:{}'.format(quote_named_param(k), quote_named_param(v))
if self.debug:
print('> GET', url, ' ', end='')
r = self.session.get(url, **kwargs)
if self.debug:
print('[', r.status_code, ']')
return r
def post(self, uri, data, course=None, named_params={}, **kwargs):
if self.token:
self.session.headers['X-CMS-API-TOKEN'] = self.token
url = self.url + '/' + (self.course if course is None else course) + '/api/' + uri
for k, v in named_params.items():
url += '/{}:{}'.format(quote_named_param(k), quote_named_param(v))
if self.debug:
print('> POST', url, ' ', end='')
r =, json=data, **kwargs)
if self.debug:
print('[', r.status_code, ']')
return r
def get_exams_api(self, uri, course=None, **kwargs):
if self.token:
self.session.headers['X-CMS-API-TOKEN'] = self.token
url = self.url + '/examination_backend/' + (self.course if course is None else course) + '/' + uri
headers = {'X-Exams-Tenant': self.course if course is None else course}
if self.debug:
print('> GET', url, ' ', end='')
r = self.session.get(url, headers=headers, **kwargs)
if self.debug:
print('[', r.status_code, ']')
return r
def post_exams_api(self, uri, data, course=None, **kwargs):
if self.token:
self.session.headers['X-CMS-API-TOKEN'] = self.token
url = self.url + '/examination_backend/' + (self.course if course is None else course) + '/' + uri
headers = {'X-Exams-Tenant': self.course if course is None else course, 'X-CSRF-CHECK': '1'}
if self.debug:
print('> POST', url, ' ', end='')
r =, json=data, headers=headers, **kwargs)
if self.debug:
print('[', r.status_code, ']')
return r
def assert_success(self, result):
if 'error' in result and result['error'] == 'exception':
if self.debug: print('<!', result['type'], ':', result['message'])
raise Exception(str(result['type']) + ': ' + str(result['message']))
if self.debug and 'message' in result:
print('<', result['state'], ':', result['message'])
if result['state'] == 'success':
return True
raise Exception(str(result['state']) + ': ' + str(result['message']))
def courses_index(self):
:return:all Course objects of the given instance that you can see.
return self.get('courses/index', course='system').json()['courses']
def courses_list(self):
:return: a dict containing all courses. Format is id => shortname
courses = self.courses_index()
return {course['Course']['id']: course['Course']['shortname'] for course in courses}
def courses_get(self, id=None, shortname=None):
:param id:
:param shortname:
:return: a course description object (as courses_index gives) of a specific course, identified by id or shortname
assert id != None or shortname != None
for course in self.courses_index():
if course['Course']['id'] == id or course['Course']['shortname'] == shortname:
return course
return None
def students_index(self, course=None, columns=None, named_params={}, **kwargs):
if columns:
named_params['cols'] = '~'.join(columns)
return self.get('students/index', course=course, named_params=named_params, **kwargs).json()
def students_index_csv(self, course=None, columns=None, excel_compatible=False, named_params={}, **kwargs):
named_params['format'] = 'excelcsv' if excel_compatible else 'csv'
if columns:
named_params['cols'] = '~'.join(columns)
return self.get('students/index', course=course, named_params=named_params, **kwargs).content
def students_index_get_cols(self, course=None, named_params={}, **kwargs):
:param course:
:param named_params:
:param kwargs:
:rtype: dict[unicode, unicode]
:return: an ordered dictionary of all available student columns (short key => model.field name)
r = self.get('students/index', course=course, named_params={'limit': 1})
return json_decode_ordered(r.text)['compressionTable']
def testingresults_index_by_student_id(self, course=None, testing_id=1):
:param course:
:param testing_id:
:rtype: dict[int, dict]
:return: A dict mapping student id's to a testingresult entry (containing points, admitted, and mode)
students = self.students_index(course=course,
columns=['Si', 'Sm', 'T' + str(testing_id)]) # id, matriculation, points
key = 'Testingresult' + str(testing_id)
return {entry['Student']['id']: entry[key] for entry in students['students']}
def admissions_index(self, course=None, testing_id=None):
return \
self.get('admissions/index', course=course, named_params={'bytesting': testing_id or 0, 'limit': 0}).json()[
def admissions_edit(self, id, data, course=None):
data = dict(data)
data['id'] = id
return'admissions/edit/' + str(id), {'Admission': data}, course=course).json()
def admissions_edit_many(self, data, course=None):
return'admissions/edit_many', {'Admission': data}, course=course).json()
def calendar_events_index(self, course=None):
return self.get('full_calendar/events/index', course=course).json()
def submissions_index(self, course=None):
:param course:
:return: A list of all submissions in the system (submission = something where students can submit to). Contains details.
return self.get('submissions/index', course=course).json()['submissions']
def submission_items_index(self, course=None, submission_id=None, tutorial_id=None):
:param course:
:param submission_id: the submission you want to get the file list for (optional)
:param tutorial_id: filter by tutorial (optional)
:return: A list of all submission items (files submitted to a single submission), including many details.
named_params = {'limit': '0'}
if submission_id: named_params['bySub'] = submission_id
if tutorial_id: named_params['byTutorial'] = tutorial_id
return self.get('submission_items/index', course=course, named_params=named_params).json()['submissionItems']
def submission_items_download(self, course=None, submission_item_id=None):
:param course:
:param submission_item_id: the submission item (file) id you want to download
:return: The file content of a single submission file
assert submission_item_id
return self.get('submission_items/download/' + str(submission_item_id), course=course).content
def submission_items_download_all(self, course=None, submission_id=None, tutorial_id=None):
Downloads a zip archive of submitted files. Be aware:
- The archive is stored in memory!
- Zip archives can't be larger than 2GB
:param course:
:param submission_id: the submission you want to get the file list for (optional)
:param tutorial_id: filter by tutorial (optional)
:return: A zip archive containing all files submitted to a "submission".
named_params = {}
if submission_id: named_params['bySub'] = submission_id
if tutorial_id: named_params['byTutorial'] = tutorial_id
return self.get('submission_items/downloadAll', course=course, named_params=named_params).content
def submission_items_download_all_streamed(self, course=None, submission_id=None, tutorial_id=None):
Downloads a zip archive of submitted files. Be aware:
- This method returns a file-descriptor-like object (that can be used to copy the data chunk by chunk)
- Zip archives can't be larger than 2GB
- You have to manually close the returned object. Use this function in a "with as" statement.
:param course:
:param submission_id: the submission you want to get the file list for (optional)
:param tutorial_id: filter by tutorial (optional)
:return: A file-like object that can be used to read a zip archive from the server. The zip file contains all submitted files.
named_params = {}
if submission_id: named_params['bySub'] = submission_id
if tutorial_id: named_params['byTutorial'] = tutorial_id
return self.get('submission_items/downloadAll', course=course, named_params=named_params, stream=True).raw
def registrations_import(self, id, matriculations, system='hispos', complete=True, timestamp=None, course=None):
if not timestamp:
dt =
timestamp = dt.strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:00:00')
body = {'Import': {'text': '\n'.join(map(str, matriculations)),
'timestamp': timestamp,
'file': {'error': 4},
'system': system}}
resp ='registration_items/import/' + str(id), body)
data = resp.json()
if 'message' in data:
register = []
unregister = []
for student in data['students']:
if student['contained'] and not student['registered']:
elif not student['contained'] and complete:
body = {'Import': {'timestamp': timestamp,
'complete': complete,
'register': json.dumps(register),
'unregister': json.dumps(unregister),
'system': system}}
return'registration_items/import/' + str(id), body).json()
def notes_index(self, course=None):
:param course:
:return: List of all notes configured in a course.
return self.get('notes/index', course=course).json()['notes']
def notes_change(self, note_id, student_id, value, course=None):
Edit the value of a note for a single student.
:param note_id:
:param student_id:
:param value: str, int or bool
:param course:
if value is True: value = 1
if value is False: value = 0
return'notes_entries/change', {'NotesEntry': {'student_id': student_id, 'note_id': note_id, 'value': value}}, course=course)
def testings_index(self, course=None):
Get all testings in nested tree structure
:param course:
return self.get('testings/index', course=course).json()['testings']
def testingresults_change(self, testing_id, student_id, points, course=None):
Edit the points of a student.
:param testing_id:
:param student_id:
:param points: int or float
:param course:
return'testingresults/change', {'Testingresult': {'student_id': student_id, 'testing_id': testing_id, 'points': points}}, course=course).json()
def testingresults_retrieve(self, testing_id, student_id=None, user_id=None, course=None):
Retrieve the points of a student.
:param testing_id:
:param student_id:
:param user_id:
:param course:
params = {}
if student_id is not None:
params['studentId'] = str(student_id)
elif user_id is not None:
params['userId'] = str(user_id)
raise Exception('Need either student_id or user_id')
return self.get('testingresults/retrieve/' + str(testing_id), course=course, named_params=params).json()
def materials_index(self, course=None):
Get a list of all accessible material categories and files.
Files can be either stored files (to be retrieved with material_download) or links to other sites.
:param course:
return self.get('material_categories/index', course=course).json()
def __get_content_disposition_filename(self, response):
filename = response.headers['Content-Disposition'].split('filename=')[1]
if filename.startswith('"'):
return filename[1:-1]
return filename
def material_download(self, id, filename=None, course=None):
Download a material file. If filename is given, the result is a pair (filename, file-content).
If filename is given, the download is written to this file (and the suggested name is returned).
:param id:
:param filename:
:param course:
if not filename:
response = self.get('material_files/download/' + str(id), course=course)
return self.__get_content_disposition_filename(response), response.content
response = self.get('material_files/download/' + str(id), course=course, stream=True)
with open(filename, 'wb') as fd:
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=4096):
return self.__get_content_disposition_filename(response)
def tokens_index(self, course=None):
return self.get('tokens/index', course=course).json()['tokens']
def exams_index(self, course=None):
return self.get_exams_api('exams', course=course).json()
def exam_solutions_index(self, exam_id, course=None):
return self.get_exams_api('solutions/list/'+str(exam_id), course=course).json()
def exam_solutions_get_all(self, exam_id, course=None):
return self.get_exams_api('solutions/download/'+str(exam_id), course=course).json()
def exam_solutions_get(self, solution_id, course=None):
return self.get_exams_api('solution/get/' + str(solution_id), course=course).json()
def exam_solution_download_file(self, downloadname, course=None):
return self.get_exams_api('files/' + (course if course else self.course) + '/solution/' + downloadname, course=course)
def exam_solutions_set_correction(self, solution_id, path, value, course=None):
return self.post_exams_api('solution/correct', {'id': solution_id, 'key': path, 'value': value}, course=course).json()
def exam_solutions_set_comment(self, solution_id, comment, course=None):
return self.post_exams_api('solution/correct', {'id': solution_id, 'comment': comment}, course=course).json()